Our quality and sustainability process

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Because Lyckeby’s owners also supply the potatoes for our products, we have a good insight into the entire chain, from tuber to starch. Cultivation all takes place on a local level, which means we’re able to make sure it takes place in a sustainable way.

Of course our other raw materials, packaging, processes, and ultimately our products are also inspected, safe and fulfill current legislative requirements.

We take a humble approach to our quality process, recognizing that it’s never complete, and we work continuously towards established goals by constantly improving our procedures, processes, and knowledge of the food industry. As part of this process, we are certified according to a number of standards. If you’d like to know more about these, you can find them on the left side menu.

Our primary goal is for our products and service to fulfill the demands and expectations set by you, our customer, with rapid service, transparent communication and timely deliveries. We offer our expertise throughout the entire food chain, right through to the finished concept. Together, we can make your products better and safer.


Within the Sveriges Stärkelseproducenter group, we have a joint sustainability program for our Starch and Flavor business areas. To ensure our efforts comply with national and global guidelines for sustainable development, we link our work to the sub-goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. Read more about our complete program in our sustainability report below.

Lyckeby’s operations are run with high levels of circularity, and as well as utilizing the starch we also make use of side streams from other components in the starch potato. We transform the potato fiber to a food-grade product and the protein into animal food and transfer the potato juice and surplus water back to the fields to fertilize and water the crops.

We strive for continuous improvement to minimize our products’ impact on our environment, health, and safety. We have carefully analyzed the main aspects of our sustainability impact and see that they are linked to carbon dioxide emissions and the use of fossil fuels. We’re now working hard to achieve our goal of being entirely fossil-free in our own production by 2025. We are also carrying out a number of research and development projects, working towards our vision of the future: creating ‘the green starch factory’.


Lyckeby Group - Sustainability Report FY24

Read Lyckeby Group's sustainability report here.

Lyckeby Starch - Potato flower

Our future

Read more about our vision of the green starch factory in our CEO’s letter about our future.

Ask us

We are happy to answer questions and give you more information about our products.