Quality and sustainability

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In Lyckeby’s quality and sustainability department, we love making sure that our customers have access to safe products and that our operations run in a way that’s sustainable over the long term. Contact us if you have questions about our work.

Lyckeby Starch - Eva Lundholm

Eva Lundholm

Quality & Sustainability Manager

Lyckeby Starch - Ingela Thulin

Ingela Thulin


Emma Paulin

Emma Paulin

Starch for food applications

Lyckeby Starch - Anja Willkomm

Anja Willkomm

Starch for technical applications

Lyckeby Starch - Patric Alriksson

Patric Alriksson

Native starch for all applications

Sustainability process

Read more about our quality and sustainability process.

Ask us

We are happy to answer questions and give you more information about our products.