
Cultivating for us

Sveriges Stärkelseproducenter Förening u.p.a. is an economic association established in 1927 to coordinate sales and develop potato starch production. Today, the association is owned by around 500 farmers, who supply our most essential raw material—starch potatoes.

Starch potatoes are cultivated using specially developed potato varieties that have a higher starch content compared to regular ware potatoes.

Research and development

At Lyckeby, we place a strong emphasis on research and development. Each year, we conduct numerous field trials and grower experiments to optimize potato cultivation.

Become a member and cultivate for Lyckeby

To cultivate and deliver starch potatoes for us, you need to be a member of the association. All farmers in southern Sweden are welcome to apply for membership. As a member, you are not only a supplier, but also a co-owner and have the opportunity to influence the future of the association.

Are you interested in becoming a member of our association? You can find more information at, where you’ll also find contact details and answers to a range of agriculture-related questions.



Meet our growers

Our passion for functional starch and flavor is driven by a desire to create something extraordinary. For us, it is important to have a good relationship and close cooperation with our growers. Together, we work actively to reduce the environmental impact from cultivation to the finished product.

Contact us

Please contact us for more information about Lyckeby and our products.

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    Please contact us for more information or to request a sample.